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[스크랩] 한국선교연구원이 세계적인 복음주의 선교학술지EMQ(Evangelical Missions Quarterly)를 소개합니다.

예림의집 2012. 4. 3. 04:48

한국선교연구원이 세계적인 복음주의 선교학술지EMQ(Evangelical Missions Quarterly)를 소개합니다.

EMQ는 미국 휘튼 칼리지(Wheaton College)의 빌리그래함 센터(Billy Gramham Center)가 발간하는 선교학술지로서 세계의 선교현장과 선교학계에서 일어나고 있는 중요한 논쟁과 현상들을 복음주의적 관점으로 다루는 세계적인 선교학술계관지입니다  .




최근호(2012년1월) EMQ는 아래와 같은 내용들이 담겨 있습니다.


·          Walk with Me (Part 2): The Path to Interdependency by Daniel Rickett   In part two of a discussion began in January 2012, Rickett shares a seven-point proposal by which the Western Church and the Majority World Church can bridge the wealth divide and realize the unity we have in Christ.   Author Daniel Rickett is executive vice president of She Is Safe..

·          The Spiritual Formation of Mission Leaders by David Teague    The emphasis in leadership studies has shifted toward recognizing the unique giftedness of each individual, promoting inner healing, and developing authenticity. The author discusses the importance of communion, community, and ministry in leadership.  Dr. Teague is an adjunct professor for Gordon-Conwell Seminary, USA.

·          How Translation Techniques Aid in Communicating the Bible Cross-culturally by Kenneth Nehrbass, PhD.  How can we bridge the culture and language gap so that we communicate scripture’s intended meaning? The author shares seven common “tools of the trade” Bible translators utilize to get the meaning across accurately and clearly.  Dr. Nehrbass is a translation and anthropology consultant with Wycliffe Bible Translators/Summer Institute of Linguistics in Vanuatu.

·          The “Who” in the Silver Bullet of World Evangelism: Eight Missiological Implications by Cecil W. Stalnaker  Missionaries must grasp both intellectually and emotionally that God is the silver bullet in world evangelism. If not, they may respond in at least eight unhealthy ways.  Cecil  Stalnaker is a professor of intercultural studies at Tyndale Theological Seminary near Amsterdam, the Netherlands.



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